Sunday, February 24, 2019

Events in the Infirmary - Kati Evans' Report (part of Case 301)

Here is my recollection of the events on February 24, 2019, just after six in the evening as best as I can recall.

I was going towards the infirmary and saw one of our warriors, Druss (dramirak), tied up. How could this be in our own city? Within our walls? A warrior of a city is placed under house arrest and guarded by his brothers at arms or placed him in jail… but this? He had dried blood on his wrists where the ropes had cut into his arms. Why had no one helped him?

The warrior told me to untie him. He was a Fina warrior, so I did what he said.

As I untied the binds and they started to loosen, someone (Jesture ƓαƖαxу (jesture)) in the infirmary started to scream for a warrior. Upon hearing the woman scream for a warrior I stopped for a moment then continued to untie our warrior.

The warrior then pushed me away, picked something up and ran into the infirmary. I followed thinking that he was going to help the woman and to my horror he hit her.

I asked what was going on and he told me it did not concern me. I told the warrior I was a magistrate and my home stone. Then I repeated that I would like to know what was going on.

He said something about her enticing him all day and calling him Jarl demanding his collar. For a bit I was able to get him to talk to me so he was not hurting her. I was doing fairly well but the woman started yelling at the warrior. I thought he was going to hit her again with the rock in his hand but he hit the pillow. I was beginning to think that there was hope I could get him out of the room.

However, the woman kept saying foul things and just kept drawing his attention back to her. The thing that finally took him over the edge was when she called him a coward. He lost it and tried to strangle her. It all happened so fast. I picked up a box that was there and hit him over the head. He went down and with no one else around I got him off her and on the other bed. Then I tied him to it so he could not do anything while I checked on her.

By the time I got the warrior tied up and to the woman, her lips were turning blue but she was breathing. Turning her a bit did not help the woman breath. I tried pushing lightly on her chest to help make her breath. It did not seem to be doing any good. I say one of those mask things that physicians have put on patients faces before and thought that might work. I did not know what else to do. I stood there hoping she would take a deep breath.

Someone came down the stairs (DawnsShadows Resident) I asked for help. This woman seemed to know about medical things and started doing things. Then there was blood… so much blood… and things spun and went black. When I came to I felt so sick, though I was going to throw up that I when outside to get some air leaving the woman in the hands of someone who obviously knew what to do.

Kati Evans

Staff Meetings - First Thoughts

Update: I will not be using this as I have resigned as HoC and my furniture was returned from my house. Here are my random thoughts: ...