Friday, March 8, 2019

Staff Meetings - First Thoughts

Update: I will not be using this as I have resigned as HoC and my furniture was returned from my house.

Here are my random thoughts:

  • Thinking of two times on a Sunday so both the people in Europe could come and then later the people in the USA could come. That way over the day everyone could attend one of the two times.
  • Thinking of doing every other week, but not sure that may to far apart.

  • You may disagree with what someone says or does of this caste but only do so in the Blue Hall between ourselves. Disagree in private, stand together in public.

  • Events/Reports
    • Anything that could possibly become something write down.
    • All initial reports go to Tres and me.
    • Tres keep the note card on the reports if anyone is looking for them.
    • I will give each a number/or maybe Tres could.
    • Tres could gather missing names and facts.
    • Use the word "Case" only for those which go to a magistrate.
    • Cases where both parties are of one caste - send information to HoC of that caste to handle.
    • Cases where both parties are of different caste - those go to a magistrate to handle.
    • Final decision I want to post here so we all have access to see them.
  • Tres is constable; which I think of as a beat cop. 
    • He walks around the city. If there is a problem he finds a magistrate. 
    • If no magistrate is online Tres takes down the initial reports with the facts then passes them on to the HoC (if between members of one caste) or magistrates (if between members of two or more caste) to decide. Either way, I get a copy of the event/report.
  • The goal would be to have most things handled on the spot, if not within 3 days, and close things up each weekend. 
  • I want a copy of all events and decisions for my reading and record.
  • My idea of the Gorean court system is a bit different than how some do things in SL. I am more a curbside justice way of thinking. Here are my thoughts:
    • I would like to see most things handled right away by a magistrate (Rik/Lion) when two castes are involved. 
    • Listen to both sides of the event and make a determination there and then. 
    • Do me a favor and don't kill anyone without me having a look at it first and the person dying agrees. The same is true of stripping a free woman, especially one of our city. 
    • Write it up and give a copy of the event to me with what was decided, including how you got to that decision.
    • When they are not around bring it to me.
  • I would like to have a couple of chats with both magistrates so we could get to know each other some and so that we can talk some of how you handle things and your thoughts.
  • Warrior are never tied up and left there for three days. They are placed under house arrest and guarded by their own brothers at arms or they are put in a cell. 
  • Maybe a procedures write up would be good.

1 comment:

Staff Meetings - First Thoughts

Update: I will not be using this as I have resigned as HoC and my furniture was returned from my house. Here are my random thoughts: ...